Saturday, February 24, 2007

Day, um, Feb 24th..

Look at me, two posts in one day. Guess I have a lot to catch up on. ;-)

Actually though, the photo I posted earlier was from yesterday so these are from today. The boy asked me to take his photos. Which is unheard of, and I had a hard time deciding which one I liked best so I took the easy way out and have decided to share both.

Throwing in the towel?

Wow, I went sooo long without posting, I've even been toying with the idea of giving up. I've had so much going on, the last thing on my mind was my 365. On a good note, things are finally settling down. I think maybe, just maybe, I can give this a go again. And I may still skip a day or two, and that's fine, I'm not perfect, but I'm going to give it one more shot.

Here's a share from a walk to the park yesterday.

Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Day 28-34

Okay bad me. I've officially missed a whole week. This last week has been a very bad one though. I received some not-so-good health news for myself, we had a death in our family, my son was sick for several days, and admist all of this- we had to carry on with the birthday party for my younger two. To say the least, it's been a hellish week for me. I have not pulled my camera out at all. I did take photos at the party, but that was it. I hope I can make time this week to get back on track.
To be honest, the camera has been the last of my worries the past few days.. when you are attending funerals and scrubbing puke out of the carpets, it's easy to forget your 365 project..

A couple from the party:

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Day 30

Nothing really exciting to talk about today. It's another busy day but I did make some time to snap a few photos. I'm having a big party for my younger two on Saturday. He just turned 4 and she's turning 2 next week so we decided to do a combined party. I've been running around all week getting this all together (which explains the weekend Costco visit) and decided last minute that I want to have 11x14s photos of the kids up on display. I will be printing the one below, and an older photo of the baby from a couple months ago (my Mom's request, it's one of her faves) . I'm having them mounted and will use table top easels to display them.

For those of you that are reading this and will be coming to the party, this is suppose to be a surprise. So act surprised. :-p

Monday, January 29, 2007

Day 29

The tooth fairy has been a regular visitor at our house lately. Tonight my 6 year old lost her 6th tooth. She's so proud when she loses it. I think she just wants the money.

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Day 28

Ahh, gotta love Sundays. Today was spent doing a whole lot of nothing. Just what I love. Although, I did brave Costco. Have you ever gone to Costco on a weekend day? It's simply painful. It's bad enough during the week but the weekends are just horrid. I don't know what possessed me to do that. Anyhow, today's photo is just a quick snap for our walk this evening. I love her little cheeks here.

Saturday, January 27, 2007

Day 27 ~ Rain, Rain, Go Away

My daughter loves her rain boots. She puts them on and will walk around the house with them on for no particular reason. This afternoon she put them on and I realized that we had a brief break with the rain. So we grabbed her jacket and umbrella and had some fun.

I normally share just one image a day but I think it's appropriate to include two for today.